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Irene Andreetto

Production Manager

Irene Andreetto was born in Mestre (Italy). She received her dance training at the Balletto di Toscana in Florence. She gained her first professional experience with Europa Danse. From 2007 to 2014, Irene was an ensemble member with Ballet Basel and then a soloist with Bern Ballet. In 2015 she was a dancer and manager with Unplush, works as an assistant for various choreographers, such as Cie Dysoundbo, Joshua Monten, and is a member of the board of BETA - Verein Berner Tanzschaffende, where she is responsible for professional trainings and outreach. In 2015 Irene started the MAS Dance Science at the University of Bern and completed the CAS "Health and Performance" in October 2017.


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